How to Keep Him Interested and Want You More

How to Keep Him Interested and Want You MoreIf you have finally found the guy who ticks off all the criteria on your relationship checklist, you probably want to keep him hooked.

A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush, and the same goes for dating, but first, you need to make sure your man is a keeper.

If you are sure you want him in your life forever, take a look to these tips on how to keep him interested for the long-term.

1. Learn the Man’s Point Of View

Men want their woman to act feminine, but there are things you could appreciate more if you looked at them from a guy’s point of view. You should try to indulge in his fascination for some things most guys enjoy, including sports, sex, cars and gaming.

You can try watching movies together and learning more about his hobbies and interests. Learning a game or two could be a fun experience, and the two of you might find a new and fun way to kill some time. Who knows, you might even get hooked on the game.

While these tips generally work, do not go overboard. Your man wants you to understand some aspects of being a guy, but he does not want you ogling hot guys or acting like a slob.

2. Treat Your Relationship Like a Baby

Treat Your Relationship Like a BabyRelationship therapist, Robert Taibbi, explains the best way to make relationships work in Psychology Today. According to him, “your relationship is your baby,” but, what does this mean?

Just like babies, ensuring that your relationship will grow requires you to check on it regularly and to solve any problems right away. Check up on your man from time to time, prioritize your relationship, and set aside time for each other.

When a problem comes up or when you sense something is wrong, ask yourself what a responsible parent would do.

3. Give Him Some Breathing Room

Give Him Some Breathing RoomMen love female companionship, but they need time to do their own thing, too. Even if you can think like a man, you still need to allow your guy to have some time on his own. Let him enjoy his hobbies and hang out with his friends. Just because he likes doing his own thing, it does not mean he hates spending time with you.

If you want to learn how to keep him interested in a relationship, stop putting him on a leash. Instead of obsessing about him, pursue new hobbies or hang out with your girl pals. Do the things you like doing alone, like shopping or visiting the salon. Taking the time off from each other will make him appreciate you more.

4. Go Easy on Public Displays of Affection

Give Him Some Breathing RoomGirls, cut your man some slack when it comes to public displays of affection. Just because he is not all over you when you are out in public, this does not mean he is not proud that you are together. Holding hands, a hug or a peck can be difficult to do for some guys. Some men also want to keep their intimacies away from the public eye.

Public displays are not just for physical contact. They also include texts and social media. Most men value their privacy, and if you value the man who is beside you, you should do well to respect that, too.

While it would be alright to share some details in public, keep the most intimate things to yourself. Oversharing is never a good thing, because it could humiliate or embarrass him.

5. Feed His Curiosity: Men Love Intrigue

Feed His Curiosity Men Love IntrigueOne solid tip on how to keep him hooked is to be a woman of mystery. Men can’t seem to get enough of unpredictable women, so you should never be too accommodating. Do not say yes to all his invites and do not allow your life to revolve around him. He may be a vital part of your life, but there are so many other important and interesting things to keep you occupied.

Teasing him with bits and pieces could work, in and out of bed. Allowing him to discover, rather than telling him certain things about you, could make him find you more interesting.

6. Keeping Him Interested Will Require Some Assurance On Your Part

first dateMen need as much reassurance as women do, especially during the first date. Although most men try their best to conceal how nervous they are, they would appreciate a genuine compliment or two. When you are with a guy and you want him to stay interested in you, you should try to pay him genuine compliments.

You can voice how attractive you find a guy physically, or compliment him on his personality. Best of all, express how awed you are of his intelligence. While handing out compliments is a good thing, always keep them genuine and do not go overboard.

7. First Date Sex is a Relationship Killer

Hitting it off with a guy could make you excited, but do not take this as a sign you need to sleep with him right away. Do not succumb to the pressure to sleep with a guy on the first date. In fact, according to a survey by Match, only six percent of men expect sex on a first date.

Most people wait until they hit the one month mark, or when they have strong feelings for their partner before having sex. Even if men consider sex a vital part of a relationship, you should not sleep with anyone, unless you want to.

8. Keep Your Jealous Tendencies in Check

Jealousy can be an ugly beast, and you need to learn to trust your man. This problem is especially common in couples who are physically apart. Those who want to know how to keep him interested in long distance relationships should learn to keep their jealous tendencies in check.

Everyone has a jealous streak and seeing a partner feeling threatened can be cute, but too much of it can kill a relationship. Women are particularly prone to jealous tendencies, and it almost always ends up in a big fight. Being jealous within reason is acceptable, but if you suspect your partner of cheating without proof of such, you could put the relationship in peril.

Men value trust, and if you do not have faith in your partner, he could feel that the relationship is not going to work out.

9. Unleash Your Inner Sex Goddess

Your Inner Sex GoddessMen love sex, so keeping him interested also means you should embrace your sexuality. Being aggressive in bed can be quite a turn on for men. Variety is always a good thing when it comes to physical intimacy, as this will make things more interesting in bed.

Indulging your fantasies and sharing them with your partner could be a good way to take your relationship to a whole new level. Matters inside the bedroom reflect on other aspects of your relationship; hence, keeping him satisfied with his sex life could make your relationship stronger.

10. Do Not Be Afraid of Taking the Lead

take the leadMen are the more dominant sex, but guys love it when women initiate doing things, especially in the bedroom. Men love physical intimacy. If there’s one thing men would like more, it would be to have their woman do the asking.

You can master the art of how to make him want you, but you should also steel your nerves and ask him to make love to you once in a while. This could reassure him that you find him attractive.

11. Be a Confident Chick

Confidence is sexy and it can be more attractive than any negligee. Guys love being your Superman, but you also need to learn how to take control of any situation. Independent women are attractive, which means that you should never resort to drama.

The way you carry yourself and act says a lot about you. Men often look for strength in character when looking for the woman they will end up with for life. The best way to show your confidence is to speak up and meet him eye to eye. Aside from showing him how well you carry yourself, this will make him realize he should never take you for granted.

12. School Yourself in the Art of Seduction

Men love the chase even more than the capture. Learning how to keep him interested over text or during dates will require you to hone your skills in seduction. Suggestive language and offering some intimate information could make your man think about you more.

Telling him you miss him or he is on your mind could be a conversation starter. When he replies, do not reply right away. If you feel like teasing him more, send pictures; however, when taking sexy shots be sure to use Snapchat or a similar app, so the images get deleted on their own.

Whether you learn how to keep him interested when texting or in person, be sure to stay positive. Awkward silences, laughter and tension can all be part of the process. You just need to be confident enough to take the first step to make your man pay attention to you.

13. Engage Him in Intelligent Discussions

Intelligent DiscussionsIntelligence is sexy in women, and men are more likely to stay in a relationship with a girl he can talk to about anything. Men love to talk and for them, it would be great to find a girl whom they could have meaningful conversations with. If you have similar hobbies, it is even better, because the two of you can talk about those things and share the experience.

There are a lot of men who like women who can keep up with the conversation. If you have a brain, do not be afraid to use it. If a man cannot keep up with your intelligence, he might not be the one for you after all.

14. Be a Good Listener and Lend Him Your Ear

Be a Good Listener and Lend Him Your EarBeing a good listener is the secret on how to keep him coming back for more. Making a man emotionally dependent on you might sound negative, but it could be a good thing in any relationship. A man wants a woman he can share his problems with, and who can help him find the best solutions.

Women are known for dominating a conversation. When a man finds a woman who will listen without interrupting, he tends to become more intrigued by her. In most relationships, men are the ones who act as the sounding boards. If you can do the same for him, he will feel how much you love and value him, since you are willing to listen to all his rants.

15. Have Fun and Go With The Flow

Do Not Be Afraid to Go with the FlowSpontaneity is one thing men love to see in women. Men know how much effort most women spend to look great, and if you do not mind getting dirty or messed up for the sake of fun, he could see you as a keeper. This is one of the best moves on how to keep him interested for the long haul.

By nature, men are playful creatures. In fact, men are just little boys playing grown up. It is in their nature to be mischievous and do naughty deeds from time to time. If you can indulge them in their playful acts, they could see a future with you since you can be their partner in crime.

16. Stop Making Him Feel Like Plan B

Stop Making Him Feel Like Plan BThe top thing that women do that can drive a man away is this: taking him for granted. Most women think men are more likely to ignore the woman they are with; however, females feed their man’s insecurities without realizing what they are doing.

Women take their man for granted when they put everyone else’s needs above his. If you pay more attention to your phone, or you are more interested in catching up with other people than spending time with him, you could drive him away.

Another thing you may do that could bruise his ego is spend too much time with your guy friends. Constantly comparing him to other people, especially to your ex, could make him feel unwanted. When you man feels like he is just a backup plan, he could start losing interest in you.

If you feel there are things in your relationship that require improvement, tell him how you feel. Open communication is always the best way to resolve relationship problems.

17. The Ultimate Secret On How to Keep Him Interested: Your Smile

Keep Him Interested with a SmileMen are naturally attracted to women who smile. One simple tip on how to keep him interested after the first date is to smile more. In 2011, a study revealed that males tend to favor females who smile at them. The research showed that happiness is one of the most attractive female traits, although the same cannot be said for men.

This just means that women who smile more tend to look more attractive, and not just to their partners but to most people in general. If you have a great guy sitting right beside you, you have every reason to be happy, so drop that frown and smile.

Summing Things Up

relationshipsKeeping your man will not be easy, because all relationships need work. If you want to keep a man interested in you, you need to put in some effort.

Do not be afraid to show him how much he means to you by following the tips on how to keep him interested, listed above. A guy who deserves your love will recognize your efforts and do his part to make the relationship work, too. It is a win-win for everybody.


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